As seasonal fashion weeks showcase the latest clothing collections on the runways of New York, Paris, and Milan, keen eyes look not only at the models strutting down the catwalk, but also the backdrops and set designs that complement each look. Beyond the shows, fashion trends have long held influence over interior design in homes and commercial spaces.

“Fashion and interior design have always had a close relationship,” said John Smith, design director at Main Street Interiors, an interior design firm based in Brooklyn. “You can look back decades to see how popular prints, colors and even slogans made their way from the runways onto people’s walls, furniture and decor.”

This crossover should come as no surprise. Fashion designers and interior designers both follow and set trends based on a mood, aspirational aesthetics and themes that capture the current cultural moment. This means fashion runway shows actually serve as inspiration for interior designers seeking fresh ideas each season.

“When creating fashion collections, designers capture a visual spirit that then gets adapted for interiors,” Smith explained. “Fashion houses like Gucci, Louis Vuitton and Chanel all launch home décor lines that let people literally wear that style in their living spaces.”

But smaller trends also trickle through. For example, Pantone’s color of the year often makes its away onto accent walls or throw pillows after first appearing prominently in clothing and accessories, according to industry experts. And much like apparel retail sites and magazines drive demand through relentless coverage of a hot new jacket shape or dress silhouette, blogs and social media hype fuel peoples’ desire to quickly redecorate with whatever element stands out each season.

“With Instagram and Pinterest, interiors have become as fashion-focused as what people wear,” said Lisa Jones, marketing director at online retailer Dot & Bo. “Our customers constantly look to recreate the latest fashion moods with statement furniture and decorative pieces.”

So what specific fashion trends from recent and upcoming seasons should we expect to see reflected in home design? Industry insiders have identified several key looks impacting interiors right now.

Going Green

Sustainability continues its dominance across runways and shopping sites, with earthy tones like sage green, jade and moss green popping up everywhere.

“From kitchen cabinets to velvet sofas, deep greens have become neutrals in interior palettes,” Jones said. “We’re also seeing demand for renewable and recycled materials like cork, rattan and bamboo rather than plastics and woods.”

Ethereal Escapism

Light, airy fabrics like silk, linen and lace lent runway collections an ethereal delicacy during recent fashion weeks, translated to interiors through billowing window treatments and canopy beds.

“Lacy details, painted florals and pale colors create a dreamy escapist quality popular for bedrooms right now,” Smith said. “An antique vanity or fainting couch completes that timeless, romantic vibe.”

Disco Nostalgia

Groovy 1970s disco style made a splash last fashion season with sequin-covered garments, bold prints, chunky platform shoes and flare jeans. Retailers expect the same funky vintage spirit to furnish homes soon.

“We’re already seeing a demand for circular baby blue and hot pink lounge seating, abstract wall art, mirrored furniture and neon signage,” Jones said. “All great ways to inject some disco drama and sophistication.”

Coastal Grandmother

Soft, unfussy cotton dresses and cardigans in soothing neutral stripes and solids defined this recent TikTok-famous aesthetic exemplifying relaxed seaside living.

“For interiors, coastal grandmother style pairs timeworn wicker, rattan and driftwood pieces with calming sand and ocean-inspired hues,” Smith said. “Unfussy window coverings, aging terracotta vases, and linen throws and pillows add to that laid-back vibe.”


Frilly empire waist gowns, elbow-length gloves, lattice detailing and bows fueled a revival of early 19th century period style seen across runways. This look translates smoothly to interiors through vintage furnishings AbandonedColumn and accessories.

“Our clientele wants regal French antiques like tufted fainting couches or four poster beds, antique mirrors, floral china patterns, candelabras and ornate rugs,” Jones explained. “These objects bring in elegant refinement."

Overall, industry leaders agree fashion seasons now strongly influence interior design trends as much as home décor shows. So as we recover from fashion month alongside speculating what styles stand next in line for the fall 2023 runways, keep eyes peeled for those same color stories, fabrics and silhouettes spilling directly onto the shelves of our living rooms and bedrooms next.
January 29, 2024 — Trendstack