In the world of fashion, there's a subtle alchemy that turns a simple piece of fabric into a statement, a head-turning ensemble, or a reflection of the soul. Personal styling - the art and science of curating an individual's wardrobe - is often the maestro conducting this enchanting orchestra of textiles, colors, and patterns.

Today, we sit down with three personal styling experts who've made it their mission to guide people into expressing their unique identities through the clothes they wear. We’re diving into the magic of personal styling with Olivia Martyn, renowned personal stylist and founder of 'Style by Liv'; Aiden T. Lee, a stylist with a speciality in menswear, and Rashmi Patel, who brings an ethnic fusion flair to her style recommendations.

Question: What got you into personal styling?

Olivia: I’ve always had a passion for fashion, even as a child. However, it was in my early twenties, when I was working in a corporate job and wearing suits that didn’t reflect my personality, that I realized the transformative power of clothing. I started 'Style by Liv' to help people feel confident and empowered through their wardrobe.

Aiden: My journey began in high school when I’d often be the go-to person for style advice. Realizing how good clothing choices could influence a person's self-esteem and image, I decided to dive into personal styling.

Rashmi: My interest was born out of my dual cultural experience growing up in the UK with Indian roots. I began experimenting with fusion styles, combining Western fashion trends with traditional Indian elements, and found a unique voice. I wanted to help others find their unique style voices too, which led me to personal styling.

Question: What, in your opinion, is the true essence of personal styling?

Olivia: For me, personal styling is about empowerment. It's a form of self-expression, helping individuals to project their inner selves to the world. It’s not about following trends blindly, but about crafting a style that aligns with your personality and lifestyle.

Aiden: Personal styling is a storytelling tool. Each person has a story, and as a stylist, my job is to help my clients narrate that story effectively through their clothing choices.

Rashmi: I see personal styling as a celebration of individuality. It's a creative process that marries a person’s aesthetic preferences with their personal narrative to create a wardrobe that's reflective of who they are.

Question: How do you approach a new client? What is your process?

Olivia: I start with a consultation to understand their lifestyle, tastes, and style goals. I ask for visual inspirations and assess their existing wardrobe. It’s then about finding pieces that work for them, shopping mindfully, and educating them on how to create varied looks.

Aiden: I begin by asking clients about their day-to-day lives, as functionality is as important as aesthetics. Once I grasp their needs, I create mood boards and sketches to visualize different styles. I love involving clients in this creative process.

Rashmi: The first step for me is to develop a connection with the client, as trust is fundamental. I carry out a thorough wardrobe analysis and help them declutter. Based on their body shape, skin tone, personality, and comfort, I build a personalized style plan.

Question: How do you keep up with the rapidly changing fashion trends?

Olivia: I follow fashion weeks, industry events, and leading style publications. However, I believe it's essential not to get caught up in the trend whirlwind. Not all trends work for everyone, and personal style shouldalways trump fleeting trends.

Aiden: I'm an avid reader of GQ and Esquire, and I closely watch street style globally. But like Olivia, I think it's important to remind clients that trends come and go, and personal style is timeless.

Rashmi: Besides keeping an eye on global fashion weeks, I love exploring Instagram. It’s a real-time platform where trends often emerge before they hit the runways. However, I use trends as mere suggestions and always tailor them to suit my clients’ individual styles.

Question: Can you share a memorable experience or transformation story with a client?

Olivia: A few years ago, I worked with a woman who had just gone through a significant weight loss. She was still buying oversized clothes, not realizing her body had changed. Together, we discovered her new body shape, her color palette, and her newfound confidence. Seeing her strut in a dress she would've never chosen before was immensely rewarding.

Aiden: One of my clients was a mid-level executive aiming for a senior role. He felt that his casual wardrobe wasn't reflecting his ambition. We worked on a professional yet approachable style that fit his role and personality. Within a year, he made it to the senior level, attributing a part of his success to his boosted confidence and the image overhaul.

Rashmi: I styled a young woman who had moved from India to New York for her first job. She wanted to maintain her cultural identity yet fit into her new environment. We created a fusion wardrobe, combining western silhouettes with Indian colors and prints. She felt authentic and comfortable, which made her transition smoother.

Question: What advice do you have for someone interested in becoming a personal stylist?

Olivia: Understand that it's about people, not just clothes. You must be a good listener and empathetic to your clients' needs and insecurities. Be patient, and always keep learning about the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Aiden: Stay true to yourself and your style philosophy. You'll encounter clients who have different tastes or clients who are resistant to change, but don't compromise on your expertise and vision.

Rashmi: Respect and celebrate your client's individuality. Each client is a new canvas and a new challenge. Being open-minded and adaptable is crucial in this profession.

Question: What's next in personal styling, considering technology advances and a shift towards sustainability?

Olivia: Virtual styling is on the rise, especially since the pandemic. It’s convenient and can reach a global clientele. Also, we must consider the environment in our styling choices. It’s about creating sustainable, versatile wardrobes and making mindful shopping choices.

Aiden: The future lies in AI and AR technology, where personalized digital styling solutions can provide unique shopping experiences. However, technology can never replace the human touch, empathy, and creativity that a personal stylist brings to the table.

Rashmi: Customized, eco-friendly fashion is the future. The demand for unique, handcrafted, and sustainable garments will grow. Technology, if used wisely, can greatly assist in making personal styling accessible to a broader audience.

Personal styling is a transformative journey - a delicate balance between fashion and function, personal identity and current trends, creativity and sustainability. The magic lies in its ability to turn everyday clothing into an extraordinary expression of one's identity. As our conversation with these industry experts reveals, the personal styling process is as much an art as it is a science - an enduring dance between the stylist's vision and the client's personal narrative.
July 06, 2023 — Trendstack CS